Executive & Leadership Coaching Tailored to You
I coach the leader beneath the problem,
leading to the awareness and perspective needed
for sustainable growth and change
Source: ICF Global Coaching Client Study
Why I Coach
As a former executive, manager, and longtime coach to professionals across industries, I started coaching because I observed the dissatisfying effect so many managers and leaders had on individuals' career satisfaction and human experience. Individuals began approaching me in 2009 for professional development support, and I took up coaching as a side passion. To me, it was a calling to help people and systems find and realize greater fulfillment and joy in what they do. In seeing the impact coaching had on people, I fell in love with the work and expanded it greatly over the coming years.
My approach is to provide a non-judgmental space where leaders can be vulnerable in identifying and exploring their present and desired future state. I am a deep listener and empathetic guide who will help you envision and experiment with the growth and change you desire. Through my executive background, thought-provoking questions, reflections, and evidence-based modalities, my goal is to help you discover and lift your own barriers in service of greater professional satisfaction, happiness, and success.
I believe that creating the space and support for people to transform can help transform systems and whole cultures, making the activity we spend most of our lives doing more pleasurable and fulfilling for ourselves, our peers, and future generations.

My Story
Amy H. Kimball (she/her)
In 2022, I quit my job as an executive leader to follow my calling as an Executive Coach. I had been coaching part-time on the side since 2009, and throughout my years of personal and professional change, it has been a constant source of deep fulfillment and purpose.
I had previously been an academic biomedical research CEO. In my CEO tenure, I led an institutional turnaround that was all about transforming our culture as the backbone for improved processes, high performing teams, and organizational excellence. The turnaround was fueled by a coaching approach to leadership; engaging my team, our external partners, and myself in collective transformational change.
Complimenting this work was my applied organizational "action learning" while completing my Executive MBA at MIT Sloan School of Management. Through coursework and executive coaching offered by the program, I continued to deepen my coaching perspective and application.
After completing the turnaround in 2021 and co-building an incredibly gratifying high-functioning organization that people wanted to be a part of, I turned my organization over to my successor and took a leadership job in a new industry in Portland, Maine.
In 2022, finding the new job to just not be the right fit, I began contemplating a bold shift. In considering what brings me the most professional fulfillment and joy, expanding my executive coaching to full time was the obvious answer. I quit my job, filed for my LLC, and publicly launched a few months later.
To continue expanding and deepening my executive coaching practice, I then completed Georgetown's Leadership Coaching certificate program, where I deepened my passion for adult development theory, Immunity to Change, navigating polarities, culture and identity, anti-racism, and turning around systemic oppression and power dynamics.
I am active in several continuing professional development activities in ICF coaching, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)/Coaching (ACC), and Motivational Interviewing. I participate in several peer consultation and study groups each month, as well as coach development and supervision.
If I can share any additional background or be helpful in your professional development journey, please don't hesitate to reach out or book a free discovery call.
I look forward to seeing you soon!

Relevant Education, Training, and Professional Memberships
The MIT Executive MBA is a rigorous 20-month executive-schedule MBA program designed for mid-career executives poised at pivotal junctures in their careers. Through advanced management practices and applied learning projects, students emerge with a broader perspective and the tools needed to increase their impact.
Leadership Coaching Executive Certificate,
Georgetown University Institute for Transformational Leadership
The Leadership Coaching Program in the Institute for Transformational Leadership at Georgetown prepares coaches with the mindset, presence, and skills to challenge and support leaders. Students grow by focusing on both the being and doing of leadership coaching. This deeply transformative program goes beyond teaching coaching skills and challenges students to grow as human beings in order to help them grow as coaches.
Motivational Interviewing is a client-centered, evidence-based, directive method for enhancing intrinsic motivation to change by exploring and resolving ambivalence.
Developed within a coherent theoretical and philosophical framework, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a unique empirically based psychological intervention that uses acceptance and mindfulness strategies, together with commitment and behavior change strategies, to increase flexibility.
The x360 is a psychometrically-validated, fully online survey developed to provide feedback to global leaders. It provides a composite index of the traits that enable you to shift and adapt to an exponentially changing world; what you do as a leader; and the impact you have. These measures build on the work of Deborah Ancona, Wanda Orlikowski, Tom Malone, and Peter Senge at the MIT Sloan School of Management and Henrik Bresman at INSEAD, as well as many other scholars doing research on leadership effectiveness.
The International Coaching Federation (ICF) is the leading global organization for coaches and coaching. ICF is dedicated to advancing the coaching profession by setting high standards, providing independent certification and building a worldwide network of trained coaching professionals.
The Institute of Coaching at McLean, Harvard Medical School Affiliate, is a non-profit organization dedicated to ensuring scientific integrity in the field of coaching. Its mission is to disseminate the best coaching science and empower coaches to catalyze positive change in themselves, their community, and the world around them.
ACBS is dedicated to the alleviation of human suffering and the advancement of human well-being through research and practice grounded in contextual behavioral science.